Chemfix has been identified as one of the top 100 businesses out of 17,300 registered businesses in the Kirklees region. Kirklees is an area with a population of approximately 420,000.
In the first ever listing of this type, the Kirklees Top 100 is a joint venture between University of Huddersfield, Kirklees Council, The Huddersfield Examiner Newspaper, and the 3M Buckley Innovation Centre.
The Kirklees Top 100 has been developed to help strengthen bonds within the Kirklees business community and put the district on the map as an attractive destination for inward investment, business start-up, scale-up and growth.
The Kirklees List was established using a set of consistent metrics all derived from published company accounts of locally registered firms. (Those with a registered primary office in the Kirklees region). This is compiled from a Government database that contains information on 11 million businesses in the UK and Ireland.
Strict parameters were used to derive the set of companies to form the top 100 from data available up to 30th June 2020.
The ranking methodology isn’t just based on size, it comes from an index derived from factors such as head count, turnover, growth in turnover in the last 12 months, profit before tax, and shareholders’ funds. No bias or weighting is involved in the final determination. Businesses were not given the option of whether to be included, and any missing metrics resulted in exclusion.
The five metrics mentioned above were identified as solid indicators of a successful business.
Chemfix was identified as the 63rd company in the top 100.