Chemfix was created in 1991 as the business venture of a Kent-based entrepreneur. Allied with a successful Yorkshire based manufacturer of chemical resins, Chemfix entered the new and growing Industry of Chemical Anchoring.
In 1991 Chemfix was being administered, manufactured, filled and delivered from three separate locations. After mutal sale of its resin supplier and sub contracted cartridge filling operation, the entire operation was soon brought under one roof at the old Nickersons factory based in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire in the busy industrial heartland of the North of the UK.
From its beginning. the company was characterised by flexibility due its relative size, the progressive improvements to products and manufacturing methods, and a concentration on the customer, whether that be through elevated delivery service, current product approvals or new and innovative product patents.
As Chemfix became a serious player on the global playing field for OEM Chemical Anchoring, It attracted the attention of another highly successful figure in the resin industry - Roberlo S.A. in Spain.
Soon, Chemfix Products Ltd was brought into the Roberlo Group through a sale completed in Autumn 2014. Roberlo being a family owned and run company had instant synergies with the business model of Chemfix that was punching above its weight in an increasingly tight sector.
The subsequent and on-going investment of expertise and capital equipment, particularly in factory automation, brings Chemfix into a new exciting chapter in its history. The goal, to bring higher and even better service to the customer through its total service philosophy.
As a UK based manufacturer, Chemfix has always existed on the world stage, having partners around the globe, in terms of sales representation, and trade fair attendances.
By seeking a global presence, today we export worldwide, Chemfix has proven that the demand for flexibility, and customer-based service in the chemical anchoring sector, is not limited to the UK or even within Europe.
In short, our history has been defined by our constant investment in technology, internationalization and uninterrupted growth. Take a look at the company’s progress in the timeline below.